Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In my life
I've traveled many places
And I have many places yet to roam;

But no matter how far I go
Or where I end up
It's the three of you
That always leads me back home.

© All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some Thoughts - 2

Status Updates / Quotes from the HYDE ROCK fan page, written by Hyde:

Praise those who are kind, ignore those who are blind.

I dont fear death..only life...

Tears *can* turn into a rainbow

Don't put off the things you can do today; Leave words unsaid.. We always think there is more time to do it. Sometimes.. time runs out.

The risks you don't take far outweigh the risks you do take.

LaUgHtEr tRuLy *Is* ThE BeSt mEdIcInE !

Each Choice You Make, Followed With The Words You Use, Not Only Defines You, But, Molds The Person Who You Want To Be. ~ hYdE


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Pine needles rain down on me; I can hear them as they land on the Earth, blending with the Pine Cones & leaves. Golden & painted leaves twist in the wind, falling from branches; while the Sun's diamonds dance on the waters, crystal beads sparkling; Nature's painting, synthesizing in music; God's creatures echo in the wood; Clouds rush past the tops of the Pines exposing blue. I could get lost in this beauty, what a Masterpiece! Nothing is more splendid!

©2010 Hyde Rock
Long Island Beaches Rock Fan Site (Photography/Art/Poetry of Hyde)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


"Sinfully th' October wind blows, insistently th' rejuvenescence Tide rolls; Desolate sands, eerily cold; Faint footprints as memories we hold. Premature darkness, her sunsets fade fast; How I long to swim in th' salty water, as I did in days past."

©2010 Hyde Rock
LI Beaches Rock Fan Page

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Dance, like no one is watching.
Sing, like no one is listening.
Sketch, like no one is critiquing.
Love, like nothing else matters.
Explore, like no one is waiting.
Live, like there is no tomorrow.

©2010 Hyde Rock

Monday, October 4, 2010

Witches Brew

Witches Brew
Does this frock make my ass look fat?

Oct. 28, 2007 at 11:00am

Pumpkin spice all that's nice

She haggled: A tall black hat would suffice

Witchery, butchered, netted hose

Warted, constructed, hairy green nose

Just gotta work on the laugh

Heckle heckle hee hee, she goes

Pretty good I might add

Sounds pretty similar to my own


Oh but what will she do

She simply needs those pointy old shoes

So down in the closet she bends

Intentionally exposing her better end


Up goes one shoe

Two, three, four

Neither one matching the one before

Knocking over her lukewarm brew


It smells rather pleasant in here

We'll have to change that my dear

I'll go out and grab a toad to brew.

But before I do

I think we'll need some voodoo

I found your doll while searching for those shoes


Perhaps a poke or two will do

Sincerely from
.... she smiles... you know who

Just a jolt to your existence

But don't worry my old friend

It's not all hatred I send

Just a minor fault in my resistance


And after a good laugh

She suddenly gasped

After turning and witnessing her reflection clearer

Does this frock make me look fat?

We can't have none of that!

She picked up a shoe and threw it into the mirror


Suddenly, there was a rap at the door

Similar to the one she heard before

From the handsome prince she admired

Oh my quickly I must think

And with one solid wink

Her ugliness she quickly retired


~ Happy Hallowe'en To All.

©2010 Hyde Rock

The Weathered Desk

The Weathered Desk
Solid, strong, still beautiful with age, and easily disregarded.

Sep. 13, 2007 at 10:31am

She gazes out the window
The morning fog reflects her thoughts
What once was seemingly clear
Whilst listening to children nearby
Describing the character of The Joker

Mediocre coffee rests
On a cedar desk she had all her life
Memories of favorite things once sat here
Now a desktop that holds little significance
Only for some communication

That desk now shows weathered
Possibly her counterpart in life
Scars of years of good and bad
They shared collectively
How some things can never lie

But out that window
Rests a red cardinal
Beautifully radiant and wings to fly
How wonderful she thought, it would be
To see the world through his eyes, to have such exemption

There by his side, an attenuate female
Not quite as red, not quite as splendid
Still, they sing assembled in harmony
They're cognizant to no other way
It seems so simple, their world

She didn't observe the stars last night
She hadn't looked up as she once did
Tears thickened and eyes black as the night
And the night, still and cold
Virtually melodious to her essence

©2010 Hyde Rock

Domestic Pets (Ode to the Dust Bunny)

Domestic Pets
Ode To The Dust Bunny

Sep. 13, 2007 at 05:11pm

Routine accumulation

No moderation

My frustration

With tempered demonstration

Endless quantities

Those f***ing dust-bunnies

I PLEDGE™ thee my enemy

Who ne'er has mercy on me

©2010 Hyde Rock

Message Me

Message Me

Sep. 14, 2007 at 10:03am

... Simple words


a c r o s s a diminutive screen

Eyes §parkling whilst unseen


Concealed amorous smiles

Yet in return I suspect less

The tenderness I regard

Is simply my o w n ...

I guess.

©2010 Hyde Rock

Colors of Change

Colors of Change
Turning A New Leaf

Sep. 23, 2007 at 02:15pm

The sun beams down
It pierces through the branches
Blinding my sight at times
If I look up
If I face it directly

The warmth touches my skin
It feels safe and good
And I embrace it's light
When I look down
I see my shadow

The leaves are turning
As a new season arrives
Wearisome greens now golden
Dancing from leaf to leaf
Ceaseless change

The golden leaf will turn again
To an exanimate brown
Allowing new blooms in rhyme
Furthering the beauty of life to exuviate
Once again, metamorphasizing to it's everlasting potential

©2010 Hyde Rock



Oct. 07, 2007 at 08:25am

She lay quietly
resting on the leaves where she was born
She wasn't very beautiful or unique
Yet still;
Her life was about to change
She yearned to be among the flowers
The precious daisies that danced among the winds
But as time grew
She became weary
And wrapped herself to guard from the cold
One day
When the sun did break
She opened her eyes
However the blanket over her skin and eyes blocked her vision
She couldn't see the sun as she once did
So she turned her body and began to wiggle her way out
She felt different, stronger........
Outside of her guard she emerged into the light
There were no clouds that day
The sun beamed down
And like stained glass radiating off her skin
Bouncing it's light off the walls of trees
Her skin beamed of chromatic hues
Her shadow ricocheted across branches reaching out to her
She felt happy
Her arms felt free
Fluttering about
She could fly
Almost fly
And she did
That happy, beautiful

©2010 Hyde Rock



Oct. 31, 2007 at 08:33pm

Sometimes when love passes before you,
You can't see it 'til you close your eyes;
You don't hear it 'til you listen to your heart;
You can't feel it with your hands clenched;
You won't savor it if your lips are silent.

©2010 Hyde Rock

Letting Go (Goodbye)

Letting Go

Nov. 02, 2007 at 11:20am

You're wrapped around my hand
Several times
I hold onto your line
Weightless above me
Bouncing and fighting for the sky
I could let you go I thought
But I'd rather keep you here with me
You're pretty and colorful
And make me happy
I feel young again
Walking with you
People look at me and wonder
I just laugh
Careless of their thoughts
I am a kid again
Perhaps I never grew up
The wind takes you
And swings you around me
Hitting me upside my head
A reminder of your freedom
I'm grasping too tightly
But I'm selfish
I want you for myself
And maybe if I let you go
You'll fly somewhere unknown
Somewhere less fun than here
The sun beamed down
Your shadow was darker as I lowered you to my face
I saw my reflection
A bit distorted and comical
I filled you with wind, sun and stars
You almost burst
But sometimes I can't help myself
And now here we are
Sitting in the park by the bench
And I have to let you go I thought
Golden colors light the sky
It's you
Dancing as your own sun
I unravel your grip on my hand slowly
Thinking where you'll end up
It's good this way
I won't ever see your end and your sadness
Only your journey you leave behind me
Far away into the distance you would soar
Yes, I can let you go
Because it's about so much more
And with a slight opening of my hand
I released you into the clouds
Up you rose into the blue skies
I watched on as a tear rolled down my cheek
Goodbye my sweet friend

©2010 Hyde Rock



I said a prayer for you tonight
Marveling in the moon's expression;

I hope you look out your window...
And when you gaze among the stars
Observing that brilliant star which stands solitary
I wonder if you recognize I'm there likewise;

For just one moment
Close your eyes
Remember my heart
You are not alone

©2010 Hyde Rock

Let Me Go

Let Me Go

Nov. 08, 2007 at 10:33am

Cold wind strikes her face
Tears frozen in place
Howls down the passageway
Turning, running steadily
He's coming for you
He's coming for you

Free me from this disaster
But he'll never let her
Beads of sweat and chilled to bone
Fires burning, cursed in stone
He's coming for you
He's coming for you

The light so far I cannot reach
Bloody wounds from his impeach
She must fight this ongoing rage
Bitterly, scorned, ravaged cage
He's coming for me
He's coming for me

Let me go
Let me go
Let me go
Let me go
Please help me
Just let me go

©2010 Hyde Rock

Insomnia (Aw, Sh**)

Aw, shit.

Nov. 21, 2007 at 12:33am

Endless night
Robbed of sleep
Computer light
Absorbed deep

Imagining him there
What he's dreaming
Runaway affair
Heart beaming

Traffic in head
Days rush by
Foretell said
Conflicting whys

It's cold in this room
Bare-skinned shivering
Impending doom
This house settling

Raped with fear
Dwelling on when
Lost for tears
Indulging again

The clock echoes
Showing no mercy
Loneliness knows
Never to escape me

©2010 Hyde Rock

The Tide Rolls In

The Tide Rolls In

Jan. 14, 2008 at 09:24pm

The tide pulls back with no mercy
Concealed earths exposed
The sun gravitates depleting light
Fighting with fire with its chromatic beams

Despite how splendid,
The icy gale still blows

Darkness sets in with fair sky
The wild and e'er ravenous gulls fly home
Morning awaits
The smell of salt in the air is all that remains
Breathe it in

For tomorrow,
The tide rolls in once again

©2010 Hyde Rock



Mar. 04, 2008 at 06:06pm

it seems like a million years ago, we sat in the park; with only a touch gracing my face, out loud i could hear your heart.

daylight comes, nighttime falls, time sweeps quickly by; my body grows tired, my heart grows cold, always in goodbye.

the sun is beaming through my window, bouncing off my naked skin; on the bed i reach next to me, but my heart only breaks again.

©2010 Hyde Rock

Tears in a Bottle

Tears in a Bottle

Jul. 10, 2008 at 09:52pm

Sometimes when I come home late at night, I look upon the dark night sky, while adjusting my focus, a million stars appear. I recall of you and I weep.

Sometimes I step out into the rain, so no one can see my tears.

Sometimes when I lay in the hot sun, and the tears roll down my cheeks, I can be grateful for the sun promptly soaking them up to the sky.

Sometimes when it's really late at night, I lay in bed crying, because I know there is no one there to hear me.

Sometimes I cry when everyone is on the dance floor; laughing, spinning, loving, because you're not here.

Sometimes when I'm driving in my car, I blast the radio loud so I don't hear my own sobbing.

Sometimes I tread deeper in the oceans wrathful waves, so the salty tastes are one.

Sometimes I roar in laughter regardless if it was unhumorous, because it's easier to reveal.

If I could capture a week's tears in a bottle, I'd cork it and ship it across the sea, hoping it would reach your adoring hands; where my heart everlastingly remains.

©2010 Hyde Rock

In The Garden / In Daddy's Arms

In The Garden
In Daddy's Arms
A Tribute to Daddy
Jul. 15, 2008 at 03:57pm

A little girl runs in her garden
Her hair so long shimmering in the Summer sun
Waving, bouncing like a cherub's locks

Wisping through the leaves of hanging branches
Her father follows laughing behind her
Her giggle echoes and bounces off the sky
He is gleaming
A reverb that remains in his heart still 30 years later

He fails to catch her despite his strength and endurance
She's so small and clever
And hides behind the thick bush, almost under it
He sings her name, calling her
She covers her mouth while concealing herself
Pulling her toes in closer
Her dirty knees exposed from under her dress
Giggling uncontrollably
To the point where she is unable to contain herself

He finds her and she let's out a shriek
Laughter from both fills the garden
He grabs her and holds her high to the sky
Proudly looking at her
She smiles down at him
There is no greater love

Oh, how beautiful she is, so sweet
My baby girl
For a moment he thinks of her future
What will become of her
And if it will have a happy ending

He spins her making her laugh once more
Daddy, daddy, pleaseeee she gasps I'm so dizzy
He pulls her to him, embracing her with all his heart
Her tiny body wraps around him and her face nestles in his shoulder

He wishes so badly, he could stay in this moment forever
He wishes he could always keep her safe

©2010 Hyde Rock

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Some Thoughts - 1

Status Updates / Quotes from the HYDE ROCK fan page, written by Hyde:

On the far climb to the top of the Mountain, forget not to stop & smell the Edelweiss. =)

it's fear that destroys ones inner being. imagine the great things you can accomplish when you try to conquer the things that hold you back.

Never relinquish the things you desire. You require only a strong belief and commitment to your goals.

Expect nothing. hope for the best. ☼♪♫

♫ What in the World would we do without Music? ♪

If there's something you want badly, or you want to turn out differently, imagine yourself doing the very things that you only dream of doing, & changing towards that direction. Then work on going to that path, truly see yourself doing it. You can create your own, new tomorrow. The first step is believing in yourself.

Sometimes you get to a stage or age in your life where you think it's too late for you to 'wish' and 'dream'. The things you hoped to do seem lost and 'too late'. Nothing can be further from the truth! If there's a will and strong belief in yourself & your wish, you can make it happen! No time for regrets, go do it...! Make it happen. You'll love yourself for it.

Never concern yourself with other people's opinions or judgements about you. There will always be someone who has something to say. Live your life fully. Do what's the best by you, pleases you & makes you happy, and act without fear. Simply, your life is your own. So own it.

If something seems too risky & you're uncertain, you're probably better off doing it. Just go for it. The risk is worth more than the unknowing & future regret.

Be grateful for everything, every day. From the chair you sit on to the roof over your head. Be thankful for life's simple pleasures & for what you have, never of what you don't have. Each of us have a gift, each of us are blessed.

Be grateful for all the things that happen in your life. The good and the bad. Through our experiences we learn, we grow and become stronger, better people. And heck, it sure makes for good music!

Never sacrifice your entire life to only work and ideals. The most important thing in this life is to bring happiness to others, love and forgive. The gifts you give are the same you'll receive.

Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.

Life is a journey with many paths; we can change our own destiny simply at our own chosing. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a high-seated bicycle with training wheels. Take the steering wheel with both hands with no fear. Live completely.

Expand your wings, prepare for flight ^i^

When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.

If there were no hope for a tomorrow, how would you make today better? Live every day as if it were your last. 'Cause one day, it will be.

Believe with all your ♥

If you can dream it, you can do it. Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fight for you.. Have a wonderful weekend ♥

Simple, kind gestures go a long way. Be good to those you care about, what you give is what you get back. Love each other unconditionally. Life is too short for BS!

Creativity is bleeding out of me at the moment ...

Nothing makes me more proud than things like listening to the kids, while in the back of our auto, singing in harmony to my music.... ♥

Is it SO wrong to crank your own funkay music while driving? =DD

Hyde's FB Fan Page:

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Prayer For You

"May the salt never be of tears in your eyes; May the stones be only below your feet; May the clouds pass you quickly by; May the blues only fill your skies; May the sands of your time here, always be."

~ hYdE rOcK


Sunday, July 18, 2010


The Earth shook and divided, rising the above; where the waters crawl and reach the shores.
Mist evaporating in the sky, the rapids white - who simultaneously crashed in choreographic form, each by each, storm by angry storm; charged at the treading soldiers of the sea. Blissfully, fearfully, we lift our bodies submissively, to her command, bowing merciful to her authority. Make no false moves, she abides by no rules, a part of this weary World you must listen.

©2010 Hyde Rock

Monday, April 12, 2010

Long Island - HOME

Where flip flops are a necessity
the shores are always wavin' at ya! ;-)

~ © 2009 hYdE rOcK

Gulls of Song

"The gulls soared above me, while others perched beside me.. stowaways of the sand and sea. Faithful watchers of the shore. Their cries become music to my ears, a spiritual and melodic dance with the crashing of the tides. Be still now, for these are the voices and songs that speak to us of the beach."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


"I pressed it against my ear, the beautiful, large Conch. I could hear the songs of a million years; the howling of the majestic waves shake my spirit, with all of me I listen, enraptured with sounds that circle my soul that is the beauty of our Earth's blood. The Ocean."
~ hYdE rOcK

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Winter's Storm

"After the storm upon placid waters, the icy parts reside;

Even so ne'er upon thunderous oceans, unattainable by her tides."

~ hYdE rOcK

Friday, February 5, 2010

Along The Shore

This is a sketch of a song I wrote back in 2008.
It is spoken by myself in a song that I'm collaborating on with Don Schiff.
All photographs & art are also created by me. Thanks for listening.
~ hYdE

(My Place In This World)

"So many times I walked along the shore
On a sandy beach
The angry waters crashing (and)
The sun kissing it’s rapids
Blinding my sight

My feet embedded in the sand
Leaving a mark of where I’ve been
A small piece of history
Only for the waters to erase what is behind me
No one noticed but me

Sometimes I look back and don’t understand
Other times I’m glad for this
I pray for this
Wash, wash it all away

Funny thing about the ocean
It’s so powerful in strength
In scent, In sound, In sight
Even in taste
You don’t even have to touch it to notice any of those things
It surrounds you, and you become a part of it

The waters are seemingly endless
Looking upon it’s horizon
It encompasses so much of our world
Yet we take it for granted
Wash, wash me away

So I walk yet again
And sometimes I take steps back into my old
Thinking of it’s comfort
But fear it’s consequence
The waters keep changing, so why can’t I ?

Onward again, many journeys ahead
Many footsteps to lead my way
And I’m sure, many I will leave behind
That wherever it brings me
I’ll surely know then
My place in this world"

~ hYdE rOcK

Thursday, February 4, 2010


"And the rapids rage against the shore. Beads of sand wrap around my feet and ankles, trapped in foam. The water rushes past me; I slowly descend into the sands. I feel my body being pulled as the waters wash back into the sea. I'm spinning, light-headed and smiling... unsure if I'm being moved or if it's an illusion; anticipating the next wave, and how far I'll descend before I'll want to escape..." ~ hYdE rOcK

Spirits in Fete

"The winter wind blows across the sea, curving it's waves mightily. Ne'er does she sleep in the storm, always waiting for the glorious warmth; Where the gulls fly o'er and cast shadows on her sands, from the blue-green hues and across her beachland. Bring back the sun we patiently wait, where days are ever so long, as we embrace her with spirits in fete" ~ hYdE rOcK