Letting Go
Nov. 02, 2007 at 11:20am
You're wrapped around my hand
Several times
I hold onto your line
Weightless above me
Bouncing and fighting for the sky
I could let you go I thought
But I'd rather keep you here with me
You're pretty and colorful
And make me happy
I feel young again
Walking with you
People look at me and wonder
I just laugh
Careless of their thoughts
I am a kid again
Perhaps I never grew up
The wind takes you
And swings you around me
Hitting me upside my head
A reminder of your freedom
I'm grasping too tightly
But I'm selfish
I want you for myself
And maybe if I let you go
You'll fly somewhere unknown
Somewhere less fun than here
The sun beamed down
Your shadow was darker as I lowered you to my face
I saw my reflection
A bit distorted and comical
I filled you with wind, sun and stars
You almost burst
But sometimes I can't help myself
And now here we are
Sitting in the park by the bench
And I have to let you go I thought
Golden colors light the sky
It's you
Dancing as your own sun
I unravel your grip on my hand slowly
Thinking where you'll end up
It's good this way
I won't ever see your end and your sadness
Only your journey you leave behind me
Far away into the distance you would soar
Yes, I can let you go
Because it's about so much more
And with a slight opening of my hand
I released you into the clouds
Up you rose into the blue skies
I watched on as a tear rolled down my cheek
Goodbye my sweet friend
©2010 Hyde Rock
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