Friday, May 22, 2015


Stars are only exposed when darkness is present.
Rainbows only appear after a Storm. 
The Sun forever w/o Clouds would be too intense. ~hR

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Laughter equals Medicine

Of course we all know laughter is the best medicine as they say; it truly is healing when one makes you laugh; but regardless what you endure, when you make others laugh, not only is it healing to them, but also yourself. Nothing feels more fulfilling than to bring happiness to others. 


If there's something .. Or someone ... You want. That's where you put your energy!! You have to act. You have to will it. Stop blaming others for your misfortune. It's the law of the universe : you get what you put out!! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

a-team love

when i look at the older pics of my kids, i wonder "how did we get here?" "how did they grow up so fast?" step by step, we made it this far! my purpose, my life, my strength, everything!! that's what you are! hope you always know that, a-team. without you- i am nothing, with you- i can be anything.. love you, mommy.