Sunday, January 18, 2015

Love is a verb.

Be the reason someone looks forward to tomorrow and the reason they're wearing the smile you gave them. Life is not complicated, we make it so.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Time changes people

I used to say I was an old soul in a young body. Now I am just a kid with a young heart and mind in an old body.  ~hR

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Actions remain in your heart

My Opa, grandfather, my mom's father, wasn't big on words. He was incredibly tall and broad as I recall; impressive, strong man. He walked with a cane and a gentleman's hat. He never really said "I love you ".  Maybe it was a German thing, maybe it was an old-fashioned thing. Maybe it was both. 

We did everything together, I saw him every day throughout my childhood before he passed. He was no different than a father to me, I was blessed with two. 

I think about all the things that people do and the things that people say. And sometimes they don't match. We often want to hear how other people feel not necessarily always just about them showing it. But sometimes not hearing it is better of the two. When your words and your actions don't match, people notice eventually.  However, my Opa proved that that was not necessarily a bad thing.

He showed me he loved me, in the smallest ways. The way he held my hand, he would squeeze it ever so tightly that I couldn't feel it anymore. He held me close, took me for walks, sat with me on a bench looking at the birds, bounced me on his knee until he was exhausted, sang me songs. Sometimes he'd tell me long stories in German that I didn't completely understand, and I'd just listen; perhaps that was my way of showing him I loved him too. We laughed a lot. All simple things that people don't realize they take for granted spending time with the ones you love. 

Love is in the small things. Grand gestures are overrated. It's in the little things that you do. He never really said "I love you, Heidi". And he never had to. I simply knew by the way he showed me. Every day.   

If one was to lose all their senses: their hearing, their sight, their voice; things we may be fortunate to have as some are not- all that's left is how we made someone feel ...We love to hear beautiful words, as a writer and an artist I know this and crave it as well...but my Opa taught me gold: it's not what you say, but the things that you do that people take from you and carry in their heart, possibly forever. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Golden rule

Isn't it ironic when someone wishes 'bad karma' on someone else?
How about we all try to be good people and do good things for others....
The rest comes naturally. ~h


Life has many chapters, and as we turn the pages we don't realize how many we've created.
Sometimes, there are sequels to our book; but eventually all books end and the novel is closed containing it's mystery. 


Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015, 2

Today, the distance to 2030 equals the same distance to 2000.
What you do today matters only now. ~h


2015: I hope you have many days of laughter ahead of you. I hope it's filled with love, & good health. But most of all, I wish you peace. ~h