it's fear that destroys ones inner being. imagine the great things you can accomplish when you try to conquer the things that hold you back.
Never relinquish the things you desire. You require only a strong belief and commitment to your goals.
Expect nothing. hope for the best. ☼♪♫
♫ What in the World would we do without Music? ♪
If there's something you want badly, or you want to turn out differently, imagine yourself doing the very things that you only dream of doing, & changing towards that direction. Then work on going to that path, truly see yourself doing it. You can create your own, new tomorrow. The first step is believing in yourself.
Sometimes you get to a stage or age in your life where you think it's too late for you to 'wish' and 'dream'. The things you hoped to do seem lost and 'too late'. Nothing can be further from the truth! If there's a will and strong belief in yourself & your wish, you can make it happen! No time for regrets, go do it...! Make it happen. You'll love yourself for it.
Never concern yourself with other people's opinions or judgements about you. There will always be someone who has something to say. Live your life fully. Do what's the best by you, pleases you & makes you happy, and act without fear. Simply, your life is your own. So own it.
If something seems too risky & you're uncertain, you're probably better off doing it. Just go for it. The risk is worth more than the unknowing & future regret.
Be grateful for everything, every day. From the chair you sit on to the roof over your head. Be thankful for life's simple pleasures & for what you have, never of what you don't have. Each of us have a gift, each of us are blessed.
Be grateful for all the things that happen in your life. The good and the bad. Through our experiences we learn, we grow and become stronger, better people. And heck, it sure makes for good music!
Never sacrifice your entire life to only work and ideals. The most important thing in this life is to bring happiness to others, love and forgive. The gifts you give are the same you'll receive.
Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.
Life is a journey with many paths; we can change our own destiny simply at our own chosing. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a high-seated bicycle with training wheels. Take the steering wheel with both hands with no fear. Live completely.
Expand your wings, prepare for flight ^i^
When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.
If there were no hope for a tomorrow, how would you make today better? Live every day as if it were your last. 'Cause one day, it will be.
Believe with all your ♥
If you can dream it, you can do it. Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fight for you.. Have a wonderful weekend ♥
Simple, kind gestures go a long way. Be good to those you care about, what you give is what you get back. Love each other unconditionally. Life is too short for BS!
Creativity is bleeding out of me at the moment ...
Nothing makes me more proud than things like listening to the kids, while in the back of our auto, singing in harmony to my music.... ♥
Is it SO wrong to crank your own funkay music while driving? =DD
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